Big Order (TV)

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Big Order (TV)


TV řady (10 dílů)
Od 16.04.2016 do 18.06.2016

Alternativní názvy

ru:Приказ, изменивший мир

Rychlá navigace


Díl 1 - Order! Mezamero, Aku no Chikara! Big Destruction
  • en. Order! Awaken, Evil Powers! Big Destruction
  • ja. オーダー! 目覚めろ, 悪の力! BIG destruction
Díl 2 - Order! Hashire, Mayou na! Big Examination
  • en. Order! Run, Don't Hesitate! Big Examination
  • ja. オーダー!走れ、迷うな!BIG examination
Díl 3 - Order! Keiryaku Suikou! Big Strategy
  • en. Order! Execute Strategies! Big Strategy
  • ja. オーダー!計略遂行!BIG strategy
Díl 4 - Order! Ensa no Naka e! Big Grudge
  • en. Order! Amidst Resentment! Big Grudge
  • ja. オーダー!怨嗟の中へ!BIG grudge
Díl 5 - Order! Wasureruna, Negai! Big Betrayal
  • en. Order! Don't Forget You Wish! Big Betrayal
  • ja. オーダー! 忘れるな, 願い! BIG betrayal
Díl 6 - Order! Tsunage, Tamashii! Big Connect
  • en. Order! Merge, Souls! Big Connect
  • ja. オーダー! つなげ, 魂! BIG connect
Díl 7 - Order! Mamore, Shinnen! Big Belief
  • en. Order! Protect Your Beliefs! Big Belief
  • ja. オーダー!守れ、信念! BIG belief
Díl 8 - Order! Isoge, Senchi e! Big Battle
  • en. Order! Hurry to the Battlefield! Big Battle
  • ja. オーダー! 急げ, 戦地へ! BIG battle
Díl 9 - Order! Abake, Shinjitsu! Big Revelation
  • en. Order! Uncover the Truth! Big Revelation
  • ja. オーダー! 暴け, 真実! BIG revelation
Díl 10 - Order! Tatakae, Onore wo Shinjite! Big Distortion
  • en. Order! Fight and Believe in Yourself! Big Distortion
  • ja. オーダー! 戦え, 己を信じて! BIG distortion
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