Fuwa Aoyun Manyouji

Fuwa Aoyun Manyouji


TV řady (100 dílů)
Od 2007-01-01 do 2008-01-01

Alternativní názvy

en:Fuwa's Olympic Stories
ru:Олимпийские приключения Фувы

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The story takes place in a common Beijing household. Before the opening of the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, the 8-year-old boy Da You, received a birthday gift from his parents, the five Olympic mascots "Fuwa."

Skillfully combined with humorous tales between Da You and the five mascots, the cartoon series introduces the history and trivia of the Olympics, as well as Chinese culture, and the preparation for the Beijing Olympics.

(Source: english.cri.cn)
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