Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi
Film (1 dílů)
Alternativní názvy
en:The Story of Mr. Sorry
cs:Jeh-bool-chal-shee e-ya-gee / je bul chal ssi i ya gi
ja:제불찰씨 이야기
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An unprecedented media show is on air at a TV broadcasting studio. The show is asking people whether a spider that drove an assemblyman crazy should be publicly executed or not. The spider in question is Je Bul-chal(meaning 'my mistake'), a hardworking young individual who became 'an ear cleaner' because of a precious memory he holds concerning his sister. In order to take a poll about his execution, the story of how Mr. Sorry became a spider is gradually revealed.
(Source: Official website)
(Source: Official website)